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sobota, 11 październik 2014 10:08

Storytelling: senses and competences

Storytelling: senses and competences

Training Course

11-18 October 2014 | Timisoara , Romania

The aim of the project is to make youth workers aware of the potential of the innovative method of Storytelling in developing competences needed for employability. The project themes are: Non-formal method Storytelling, Youth Empowerment, Employability.

“Storytelling through all senses” is a mobility project for youth workers taking place in Romania, Timisoara from 12 to 17 October 2014. The project aims at making the youth workers aware of the potential of the nonformal educational method : Storytelling, empowering them in using it and enabling them to have a proactive attitude in their communities. The project will gather 20 youth workers coming from 6 different European countries that during the 6 days of the training course will discover and use tools for Storytelling. This will be done through all senses in means of various non-formal methods and will be based on sharing good practice. The performed activities will allow youth workers to experience a wide variety of non-formal methods of education.

The learning process of the project includes several stages: Input and interactive workshops on: Storytelling and Voice projection, Creating characters; Facilitating the method in a public space from the community; Receiving feedback; and transferring all the tools used in a Storytelling Handbook. The last day will be dedicated to putting the youth workers in the shoes of the audience experiencing a full day of storytelling sessions facilitated by the internationally well-known storytellers.

To achieve our aim we have the following objectives:
1.enabling 20 youth workers to get to know and experience the non-formal method of Storytelling;
2.offering the 20 participants the opportunity to discover and understand the employability competences that are developed through Storytelling;
3.creating an intercultural network of youth workers and organizations that use the method of Storytelling in developing employability skills;
4.creating printed and online tools to promote the method of Storytelling in working with young people (the Storytelling Resource Pack and the Storytelling Resource Blog).

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