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czwartek, 03 listopad 2016 09:54

Dare to dream-Into the world. Competences for life

Dare to dream-Into the world. Competences for life

Training Course

November 2016 | Cyprus

This training course is about enabling young people to dare to dream and get into the world by utilizing their competences! A unique blend of thematic elements and methods to unlock youth's potential

The idea of this training course was born by doing a simple comparison between the potential of young people in EU and their reality. This is what we found out from this comparison:

  • The tremendous potential of youth!
  • One in four European youth has been a volunteer.
  • 50% of European youth are active in organization, club or association.
  • The current generation of European youth is the best educated ever! The sad reality of youth…

Currently, 13,7 millions of European youth (between 15 and 29 years) remain out of employment, education or training ! When we saw this, we felt the need to do something about it. We envision a society where young people are able to transfer their potential and competences into practice, move from the place of acquiring to the place of applying, implementing and achieving. We are confident that this is time to support young people in order to “dare to dream and get into the world”! how to do it?

By following these steps:

  1. We, youth workers need to support youth to realize the competences they have and find ways to put them into practice, to apply them in real life for their personal and professional development and get into the world.
  2. We also need to support youth to embrace a purpose in life, a direction that will guide them throughout their life and is relevant for their personal, professional and social development.

All these are the elements we will tackle during the training course “Dare to dream – Into the world. Competences for life!” Aim and objectives The project aims to enhance the competences of the youth workers so that they support young people to exploit their experiences for personal, professional and social growth The objectives of the project are for youth workers:

  1. to gain knowledge related to the transferability of informal and non-formal learning into competences;
  2. to develop understanding why a life purpose is important especially for young people;
  3. to enhance their skills to guide the young people to use their experiences in order to find and pursue their purpose in life;
  4. to increase their motivation in supporting young people in using their competences (professionally and personally)
  5. to develop a personal follow-up plan to use with the young people they work with.


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